We take pride in creating fishing experiences that are a little out of the ordinary. Whether it is a guided sea trout trip from our top cool fishing boat in the South Funen Archipelago or a tailor-made event at a location of your choice, you are sure to leave with a unique fishing and nature experience. Not just a #fishtrip.

Our focus is to provide fishing experiences of the highest quality both on land and at sea. We do a wide range of guided fishing trips from land and boat, fishing courses and company events where fishing is the focal point. 


Captain / Guide / CEO


Guided tour from land

Increase your fishing chances by using our guides. Start your fishing holiday in southern Funen with one of our locally known guides, who can help you find the places and give good advice and tips for the sometimes demanding fishing. We offer guided tours from the coast and for pike.

Fisketur for firmaer og grupper


Do you want a unique shared experience in the Danish nature for your friends, family, employees or partners? Then a fishing trip is the obvious activity. We offer tailor-made events and experiences for individuals and companies. We guarantee one on the experience!

Guidet tur fra båd

Guided tour by boat

We add an extra dimension to your fishing adventure by offering guided tours and sailing to otherwise impassable fishing spots. We offer a guide concept so that anglers and anglers are transported around the South Funen Archipelago, on the Funen East Coast and in the Great Belt to largely untouched fishing spots, in our specially designed boat, which is sailed by a well-known and experienced fishing guide.



Do you want to optimize your catches or are you having a hard time cracking the code on the coast? So join one of these proven fishing courses and get exciting and inspiring lessons. We do sea trout courses (fule & spin) and beginner courses.

En fisketur jeg sent glemmer! Fisk, delfin, super vært/guide, forplejning og oplevelse.

Annika L., november 2019

Vi har haft fornøjelsen af i flere år at lade Claus arrangere en fisketur efter torsk i langelandsbæltet. Fisketuren fungerer som en perfekt ramme for at samle en arbejdsplads på tværs af afdelinger til en aktiv og uformel dag, hvor man er garanteret at komme tættere på sine kollegaer. Claus er en passioneret humoristisk fiskenørd, der guider og formidler fiskeri, så alle kan være med.

Skolerne i Oure, Personaleforening

Our family immensely enjoyed this fishing course! We had a great time learning how to fish those stealthy Danish fish. Great tools and a great guide. The guide was very skilled, helpful and extremely nice - and very capable in instructing us in various languages including English, Swedish and German - a great bonus for us with limited Danish skills. We can wholeheartedly recommend this course to both Danish and foreign families/groups!

Martin H., August 2016

Tusind tak for et par herlige sommer- og efterårsfisketure i Svendborgsund i 2020. Turene var velplanlagte og bød på en god variation af havørreder, hornfisk og fladfisk. Dit set-up og planlægning er helt i top, velkrydret med masser af godt humør og god stemning. Dine fisketure kan varmt anbefales, og vi glæder os allerede til næste tur i det sydfynske.

Bh Palle & Mads